Trucking & Commercial Transportation
We have handled hundreds of commercial transportation cases in Georgia and Alabama, representing numerous interstate and intrastate carriers, interstate and international freight forwarders, and insurers in a variety of litigation arising out of various modes of transportation throughout the United States. We have handled delivery trucks, box trucks, semi-tractor trailers, dump trucks, logging trucks and other various types of commercial transportation. Our firm also represents over-the-road interstate and intrastate carriers in personal injury and automobile collision cases.
Our attorneys are experienced trial attorneys in both State and Federal Court and have successfully litigated through verdict numerous commercial transportation cases.
To ensure that we keep our clients advised of the constantly developing body of law affecting transportation claims, our attorneys are active members of several important industry trade organizations including TIDA (Truck Industry Defense Association), TLA (Transportation Lawyers Association) and DRI (Defense Research Institute – trucking committee). Our participation in these organizations enables us to recommend and obtain for our clients the best and most efficient claims resolution process available.
Our Firm has a Rapid Response Team (RRT), to serve its commercial transportation clients. The attorneys on the RRT are available 24/7 via home and cell phone numbers. When an accident occurs and is reported to our RRT, an attorney will come to the scene along with a preferred independent adjuster and/or traffic accident reconstruction expert to capture relevant evidence that is often lost if left to just a police report. Legal counsel is then provided to your in-house risk management for a prompt and early evaluation regarding exposure. RRT attorneys also shield insured drivers from making ill-advised statements to law enforcement or plaintiff attorney investigators, deal with governmental agencies when spills or road damage occurs and are available to represent insured drivers in criminal and traffic violations when necessary.